On Easter Monday, the 'Terrammare' festival kicks off

CASTIGLIONE D’OTRANTO. Terrammare: The Legend of Tomorrow April 18 -24, 2022

A cura di: Ermanno Serratì e Luigi Coppola

With the collaboration of: Casa delle Agriculture e Parco Costa Otranto – S.M. Leuca

The Terrammare Festival presents itself to the community with a legend never told: that of tomorrow.

The past playing at drawing the future

The land approaching the sea

People on the road and rediscovering.

Legend, by definition, is that folk tale of oral tradition that spans generations, creeps into language and rages spreading new beliefs. The presence of real elements mixes with fantasy and appeals to the community to reinforce with it the bonds of belonging to places, communities, and the imaginary.Legend is above all a popular tool aimed at mocking the rigidity of the sacred, the seriousness of authority, and the arrogance of constituted power.

A yet-to-be-written legend that we will try to narrate together in a series of shared events and widespread workshops aimed at evoking the spirits of the landscape, hidden among the places of all time that only the sensitive human creature can welcome and listen to. It will be a collective ritual of re-enactment and respect for their presence.

A loud call or a deafening silence?

We will find out as we go along among the dry stone walls and twisted trees firmly standing on red, parched earth with sea views and freedom.

The title of the festival is borrowed from Maria Corti's book "The Legend of Tomorrow" in which she tells of a young woman and her life between the countryside and the sea of Salento and her choice to leave. The south of the south is described in its physical elements but also through the rough and simple character of the people.

The festival is the conclusion of a participatory, pedagogical and cultural journey as part of the project "Leggere tra due mari" (Reading between two seas), which sees the involvement of many young people in the area and in particular the Liceo Statale G. Comi of Tricase (LE) and Gruppo Agriculture Giovani of Castiglione d'Otranto (LE) engaged in the "reading" of the Salento landscape, in its dramas and fragilities, in search of a redemption that can only come after a pacification between the elements that compose it.

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