My approach

Returning to the land to repopulate villages and work together with Nature and Communities.

In recent decades a number of neologisms have sprung up related to the phenomenon of neo-ruralism: that return to the land by more or less young people who after gaining experience in other places (often in big cities) choose to live in small towns and work together with Nature and Communities. In Italy we talk about Restanza e di agrigiani, in Spain of “neorurales”, in France of “néo-ruraux", all people in search of that coveted goal that in one of his books Pierre Rahbi calls "the happy sobriety" In this new context, that of a world in transition that demands new professionalism focused on the care and regeneration of places and people, my human and creative journey leads to the birth of a neologism: L’Articultore: a new "professional figure" with expanding boundaries and capable of encompassing all those language, work and empathic skills related to the care of the landscape, Communities and related arts.

My approach is based on an in-depth study of the peculiarities of the places and on listening to the Local Communities: starting from their needs, my proposal for collective rebirth takes shape in a series of meetings, workshops and explorations in nature with students, curious people, associations in order to bring back the gaze, and the action, to the connection with the territory and the beauty hidden in the places of all time. Thus begins a collective journey of co-creation in which my priority tasks are to mediate, support, coordinate, guide, facilitate the exchange, rekindle the spirit of collaboration to bring to life together with local Communities a unique and engaging project: a community festival for thousands of people, a series of micro-events in places of enchantment, a reforestation program with schools, any project in which the Community feels deeply involved. Working groups can consist of 5, 10, 20, 100 people depending on the subject matter and the need to achieve the shared goal.

My works are mainly based on themes of deep ecology, landscape, commons, reforestation, and the emergence of hidden talents in each of us. They reflect my artistic sensibility and intersect with my work experiences as a tour guide, event organizer and mainly as a cultural mediator with migrant asylum seekers. This last experience in order of time continues to give me daily the opportunity to work on the invisible, on a breath, a look and to weave connections with people and Communities.

The cornerstones of my approach draw mainly from language and cultural mediation, Permaculture and Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Agriculture. My proposed work is multi-layered and includes meetings in which space is given to the theoretical, practical, experiential, and sensory parts. Each individual event, workshop can be modeled on the needs of those who request it, the age of the people participating, and can be conducted in Italian, English or Spanish.

The goal of the Articultore is to support and guide local Communities in the creation of a conscious path of human, cultural, and plant regeneration that can endure over time and subsequently change according to their own needs, picking up the threads of countries, rituals with a conscious gaze and with the will to collectively build a new cultural, educational and environmental path.
